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History: Hattiesburg Area Daylily Society
Prepared for the 25th Anniversary
The unofficial
beginning of the Hattiesburg Area Daylily Society (HADS) was Sunday, May
24, 1992 at a gathering
in the back yard of Don and Nell George. The
official beginning was June 14, 1992, when 22 daylily enthusiasts met at
the Hattiesburg Garden Club and voted to organize.
The group elected
officers, set dues, and made some plans to encourage a larger membership.
Nell George,
HADS first president, stated, “We hope to keep the club a happy blend
of educational and social activities with lots of garden visiting during
the bloom season.”
HADS continued to hold meetings at the Garden Club Center until 2003 when increased
membership caused a need for a larger meeting place. The group moved to the
Forrest County Extension Service center and continues to meet there on the
3rd Sunday of September, October, January, February, March, April, and May.
Through the years, HADS has educated its membership through programs that feature
speakers sharing information about growing-soil, fertilization, disease control,
hybridizing, companion plants, preparation for shows, and other pertinent subjects.
Nationally recognized hybridizers are frequent visitors to HADS meetings. To educate the general
public (and encourage them to grow daylilies), HADS began hosting “Open Gardens” in
1993. The public is invited to visit the gardens of HADS members, see daylilies
growing in the landscape,
and talk with garden owners about growing daylilies. People come from far
and wide to this event, now held annually on Memorial Day weekend.
Another educational event for the public is the annual daylily show. The
first show was held Saturday, June 1, 1996 at Turtle Creek Mall. In 2007,
the show was moved to Lake Terrace Convention Center, and continues to be
held in this beautiful venue. Daylily shows include a design division and
a plant sale. The plant sale enables the public to purchase registered cultivars
at very reasonable prices.
Because of
the show, in 2007, Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny DuPree proclaimed “…the
first Saturday of each June as "Daylily Day.” In 2008, the Hattiesburg
City Council adopted the Daylily as the official flower of Hattiesburg.
HADS is the
largest daylily club in the American Hemerocallis Society Region 14 (Mississippi & Alabama).
For many years the membership has exceeded 100 members. HADS frequently
hosts Fall Regionals (1 day meeting) and Spring Regionals
(2 day meeting that includes workshops and garden tours). HADS hosted its
first Spring Regional in 1995. That was such a success that another was hosted
in 2001.
In 2007, HADS
hosted the Spring Regional that celebrated the 50th Anniversary of AHS
Region 14, with 350 daylily enthusiasts attending this meeting. HADS
hosted Spring Regionals again in 2012 and 2015. In May, 2017, daylily lovers
from all over Mississippi and Alabama will again head to Hattiesburg - this
time, to help HADS celebrate our 25th Anniversary!!
Beautiful flowers
and the enthusiasm of HADS members have made Hattiesburg a “Daylily
Destination” for
25 years. This will continue for many more! ...
Nancy Chain, HADS, 2016
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